Friday, November 4, 2011

The Ancestral Winds

I'm not sure what it is.

Perhaps it's the Autumnal winds tugging at my soul at a time when the Veils are very thin and the Ancestors try and make themselves heard.

And perhaps it's the Serendipity of having made so many new and wonderful friends and 'sisters' in this past year of my serious blogging.  The Sisterhood of the Goat has gifted me with such strong, female connections that have oft' been missing in my life.

What e'er it might be......I am most grateful.

Since I can't imagine me having a plethora of information to post on my ancestral search I here by open Sea Gypsy to the posts of others so that we might all share in the comfort of the old.

Please take a wee peek at my sister Teresa's lovely post.  She's right:  Treasures are a most wondrous thing to discover!

Love to you very glad to have found you............


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you enjoyed it. Truly family is of two sorts~those of blood and those of choice. So glad you are a part of my family.